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dc.contributor.authorPan American Health Organization
dc.description.abstractGENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: Biosafety requirements for contamination by infectious agents in enclosed places vary, depending on the nature of the space, the activities undertaken there, the risks involved and the materials that are handled in each workspace, whether for health or day-to-day activities. The precautions that must be taken in clinical-surgical spaces, laboratories, or places at high risk of contamination by viruses or bacteria are different from those appropriate for homes, residential spaces, or closed office workspaces. The risks vary and the needs for disinfection and cleaning are also different. For highly contaminated spaces, or those with risks of potentially dangerous infectious agents, different processes of disinfection can be carried out, including manual disinfection, chemical spraying, and the nebulization of disinfection chemicals...
dc.subjectInfecctious Diseases
dc.titleConsiderations on the Spraying and Nebulization of Chemicals in Enclosed Spaces, 2 June 2020
eihealth.countryRegional, Americas (PAHO/OPS)
eihealth.categoryInfection prevention and control, including health care workers protection
eihealth.typeWHO/PAHO Guidance

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